lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

I’d like be poor some day of my life. that, I'm being it every day, already getting tired me

Well friends, after of a hard work week and with over Christmas, it’s time to think about what to do, where to go and above all what to eat.

It’s sure at Christmas we put on something greedy and we win some weight as pigs, but what would be of Christmas if we doesn’t give us the luxuries of eating. Sweets, chocolates, turkey, lentils, the typical “Manjar Blanco” from my beautiful Colombia (oh what a treat), all which we feels like us. Everything is for a Merry Christmas full and charged.

This December has begun with two sad news, the deaths of two great, everyone in their field. the actor Paul walker known for his multiple appearances in  the saga of Fast Furious and who died to the 40 years old in a tragic car accident. Our second sad new was the death of someone who did a lot of for his nation and demonstrated the validity of the black race, the great Nelson Mandela. In his 95 years old, are many years, this amazing character leave behind many life lessons, long time will happen until we have an prominent figure with him again.

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